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RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا
منتديات Vpas
RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا Jjjjjj10
منتديات Vpas
RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا Jjjjjj10

منتديات Vpas , ارشفه , برامج ,دروس , عام , تطوير ,
الرئيسيةالموقعأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
دمروك يا قلبي
عضو ذهبي
عضو ذهبي
دمروك يا قلبي

دولتي : فلسطين
الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 11063
نقاط : 16603
السٌّمعَة : 93
العمر : 30
الوسام : لا يمتلك أي وسام بعد
الدلو الكلب
تاريخ الميلاد : 14/02/1994
المزاج : لوووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووول

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مُساهمةموضوع: RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا   RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا I_icon_minitimeالسبت يوليو 03, 2010 3:46 am

خبر جديد اليوم من موقع رابيد شير

RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا Rapidsharew

New product and pricing models make RapidShare as flexible and low priced as never before

June 25, 2010

As of June 29, 2010,
RapidShare is changing its product and payment models. In future, the
costs for RapidShare accounts will no longer be tiered according to
time period; instead there will be five packages with differing
features. These packages will be paid for with a new currency known as
"Rapids". In order to grant our customers maximum flexibility when
choosing the type of package, they will be able to switch between
packages on a daily basis and hence select the features that suit them
best at the time.
All previous Collector's accounts will be automatically converted into free Premium accounts on July 1, 2010, thus making it still possible to use the RapidShare service without charge.

What is actually changing: pricing model

RapidShare is launching a new currency: Rapids. This will allow users to take up various packages from June 29, 2010.
Rapids can be acquired in the following increments:

RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا 20hu15k

Many users will already have Rapids in their accounts from the
start as both the remaining days in existing Premium accounts and
unused traffic share will be converted automatically into Rapids. For
each remaining day, the user will be credited with 20 Rapids. For
example, if there are 10 days left in a Premium account, the user will
receive 200 Rapids. Each GB of traffic share will be converted into 5

Any accumulated Free- and Premium-RapidPoints can also be converted
into Rapids until July 6, 2010. Altogether, 5,000 Free-RapidPoints and
5,000 Premium-RapidPoints equate to 600 Rapids; 50,000 Free-RapidPoints
and 50,000 Premium-RapidPoints will give 6,000 Rapids.
A maximum of 50,000 Rapids can be obtained by converting existing
RapidPoints, traffic share or the remaining time on a Premium account.

What is actually changing: product model

These modifications will not change anything for Free Users. Owners of
previous Collector's accounts will receive free Premium accounts,
enabling them to manage their uploaded files in the Premium Zone.
Downloading and storing are just the same as for the previous
Collector's account.
Users who have Rapids can choose from five types of fee-paying package.
What is special about these packages is that every user can turn the
features off and on to suit their needs from day to day. In this way,
we hope to offer our customers an even better service and, above all,
much more flexibility than before.

RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا 214cifm

  • RapidSmall
    For the RapidSmall package, users pay 4 Rapids a day. This gives them
    10 GB of secured storage and a daily traffic volume of 1 GB. What's
    more, they can take advantage of file management and direct download

  • RapidMedium
    Those who opt for the RapidMedium deal get, in exchange for 20 Rapids a
    day, 50 GB of secured storage and a daily traffic volume of 5 GB. In
    addition to file management and direct downloads, users will be able to
    manage their data in folders.

  • RapidBig
    Holders of RapidBig accounts have access to 200 GB of secured storage
    and a traffic limit of 20 GB. Along with other RapidMedium features, in
    this version users will also be able to have their account verified.
    The RapidBig package costs 78 Rapids a day.

  • RapidSupersize
    With the RapidSupersize account, users receive 600 GB of secured
    storage and 60 GB of daily traffic in return for 229 Rapids a day. As
    an added feature, users will have the ability to sell their own files
    via the Licence Manager.

  • RapidBusiness
    With RapidBusiness, commercial customers benefit from being able to
    store and grant others access to even greater quantities of data for
    449 Rapids a day. In addition to the features of the RapidSupersize
    deal, customers will have access to Licence Manager+.

Plus, business customers can receive targeted offers on request.
If users load their account with Rapids through payment or by
converting RapidPoints, Traffic or remaining time, they will be set up
with the smallest package (RapidSmall), with the option to upgrade at
any time.
All features of the new model will be explained in further detail on June 29, 2010 on rapidshare.com.

الزبدة :

يبون يلغون نظام الاشتراك السنوي ويستبدلونه بعدد النقاط

ويزعمون انهم افضل للعملاء !!

الصدفه RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا Frown
اني قبل ساعتين جددت اشتراكي RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا Redface

بعد 4 ايام يبدأ تطبيق النظام الجديد

لم اهضم النظام الجديد من النظرة الاولى

ولكن .. قد يكون افضل

لا نعلم

المصدر /


وشرايكم ؟؟

RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا Redface


الموضوع الاصلي في قسم الاخبار


ولكن لاهمية المووضع كتبته هنا ايضا


اعتقد انه من الافضل تجديد الاشتراك خلال اليومين القادمين لمن باقي على انتهاء اشتراكه اقل من 6 شهور

النظام الجديد راح يكون غالي على المستخدم النشط للرابيد شير

اما المستخدم البسيط فالقرار حلووووو ومناسب له

وبالتالي يصبح سعر الاشتراك رخيص ورمزي (اقل من نصف السعر الحالي)

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شخصيهـ بـ رستيجــ
عضو ذهبي
عضو ذهبي
شخصيهـ بـ رستيجــ

دولتي : فلسطين
الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 2110
نقاط : 3102
السٌّمعَة : 6
العمر : 27
الوسام : وسام النشاط
العقرب الفأر
تاريخ الميلاد : 19/11/1996
المزاج : مــكــيــف *_^


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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا   RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا I_icon_minitimeالسبت يوليو 17, 2010 3:34 pm

RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا 184763
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
RapidShare : نظام جديد للاشتراكات وحساب النقاط --- مهم جدا
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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